Zimbabwe Profiles Local,News Harare Cracks Down on Dumping Rubbish: Heavy US$38 Fines for Offenders

Harare Cracks Down on Dumping Rubbish: Heavy US$38 Fines for Offenders

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City of Harare Takes a Stance: US$38 Fine for Litter bugs


Harare, the bustling capital of Zimbabwe, has taken a tough stand against litterbugs, announcing hefty fines of US$38 for those found dumping rubbish on the city’s streets, particularly within the central business district (CBD).

Deputy Mayor Rose Muronda revealed the penalty during the launch of the council’s anti-litter campaign, emphasising the city’s commitment to cleanliness. Muronda highlighted the importance of responsible waste disposal, stating,

“We are encouraging everyone to drop litter in appropriate bins to keep the city clean.”



Encouraging Responsible Rubbish Disposal

H-Metro reports that while addressing the obligations of businesses, Muronda stressed that all shop owners must comply with the law, placing three bins outside their premises. Additionally, vendors were instructed to maintain designated litter disposal points near their establishments, aiming to contribute to a healthier environment.

“All vendors must have designated points near establishments where they drop litter so that we maintain a healthy environment,” affirmed Muronda.

Initiatives to Tackle the Issue

To address the challenges posed by refuse collection and littering, the council has outlined plans to install an extensive network of 1,500 waste bins throughout the city and major CBD streets. This strategic move seeks to promote responsible waste management and discourage indiscriminate littering.

Council’s Move towards a Cleaner City

The stringent measures introduced by the Harare council underline a concerted effort to maintain cleanliness and hygiene within the city. The enforcement of fines for littering serves as a stern warning to residents and visitors alike, urging compliance with regulations for a cleaner urban environment.

Positive Steps Towards a Cleaner Future

With an emphasis on civic responsibility, these measures intend to instil a sense of duty among citizens, ensuring the city remains free from litter. Harare’s proactive approach signifies a commitment to preserving the beauty and cleanliness of its streets, fostering a culture of respect for public spaces.

Harare’s uncompromising stance against littering, as articulated through the introduction of significant fines, coupled with strategic initiatives to increase waste bin accessibility, reflects the city’s determination to combat the issue of litter head-on. The call for responsible waste disposal serves as a clarion call for residents and businesses to actively participate in maintaining the cleanliness of Harare’s streets, ultimately contributing to a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing urban landscape.

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