Zimbabwe Profiles Guides,Local 2023 ZIMSEC Ordinary O Level Results: Step-by-Step Guide For Viewing Online

2023 ZIMSEC Ordinary O Level Results: Step-by-Step Guide For Viewing Online

2023 ZIMSEC Ordinary O Level Results: Step-by-Step Guide For Viewing Online post thumbnail image

In this detailed guide, we’ll take you through the process of accessing and viewing online the November 2023 ZIMSEC  Ordinary O Level results . Whether you’re a student or a parent, follow these step-by-step instructions to seamlessly access the results.


Option 1: Accessing 2023 ZIMSEC Ordinary O Level Results


1. Visit the Zimsec Results Portal

Head over to the Zimsec Results Portal by going to https://www.zimsec.co.zw/.

You will get the following page.

2023 ZIMSEC Ordinary O Level Results: Step-by-Step Guide For Viewing Online

[Image Credit: Zimsec]

02. Click on View Results

Navigate to the “View Results” section on the portal.

You will get the following page.

[Image Credit: Zimsec]

03. Select Your School Region

Choose the region of your school to proceed.

You will get the following page.

[Image Credit: Zimsec]

04. Register as a New User

Click on “Register as a New User”.

You will get the following page.

[Image Credit: Zimsec]

05. Create Your Zimsec Account

Enter your centre number followed by your candidate number.

Make sure to select “November” for the session and “O-Level” for the level as well as the “Year” 2024. Follow the specified format when entering your candidate name.

When entering your candidate name, follow this format: start with the surname, followed by the first name, and, if applicable, include the initial of your second name.

Note that entering the first name before the last name will result in an error message stating, “Candidate details not found.


Create a unique username and password, ensuring it contains at least one capital letter and one number. Remember these credentials for future access.

Click on the “Register” button to complete the registration process.

[Image Credit: Zimsec]

06. Log In  To The Zimsec Portal

After registration, log in using your username and password.

You will get the following page.

2023 ZIMSEC Ordinary O Level Results: Step-by-Step Guide For Viewing Online

[Image Credit: Zimsec]

07. View The Results For The 2023 ZIMSEC Ordinary O Level results.

View your 2023 ZIMSEC Ordinary O Level results.



Option 2: Alternative Access for Viewing 2023 ZIMSEC O Level Results

01. Choose the Provincial Portal

If the primary portal is crowded, consider accessing the results through specific provincial portals based on your school’s location.

Click on the portal address corresponding to the province where your school is situated. Below are the portal addresses for various regions:

After clicking on the relevant portal address, you will be taken to the following page.

2023 ZIMSEC Ordinary O Level Results: Step-by-Step Guide For Viewing Online

[Image Credit: Zimsec]

02. Register as a New User

Click on “Register as a New User”.

You will get the following page.

[Image Credit: Zimsec]


03. Create Your Zimsec Account

Enter your centre number followed by your candidate number.

Make sure to select “November” for the session and “O-Level” for the level as well as the “Year” 2024. Follow the specified format when entering your candidate name.

When entering your candidate name, follow this format: start with the surname, followed by the first name, and, if applicable, include the initial of your second name.

Note that entering the first name before the last name will result in an error message stating, “Candidate details not found.

Create a unique username and password, ensuring it contains at least one capital letter and one number. Remember these credentials for future access.

Click on the “Register” button to complete the registration process.


[Image Credit: Zimsec]



04. Log In  To The Zimsec Portal

After registration, log in using your username and password.

You will get the following page.

2023 ZIMSEC Ordinary O Level Results: Step-by-Step Guide For Viewing Online

[Image Credit: Zimsec]

05. View Your Results For The 2023 ZIMSEC Ordinary O Level Exams.

View your 2023 ZIMSEC Ordinary O Level results.



Additional Tips:

  • The portal is typically accessible for a limited time, usually 5 days, so check your results promptly.
  • Ensure accurate information input during registration to avoid errors.

Stay ahead of the curve and be one of the first to access your 2023 ZIMSEC Ordinary O Level results online. Use this comprehensive guide to navigate the Zimsec Results Portal effortlessly. Best of luck!

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