Month: November 2023

Paul Mwazha Biography, Age, Late Wife, Early Life, Parentage, Name Origins, Founding the AAC, Controversies

Paul Mwazha Biography, Age, Late Wife, Early Life, Parentage, Name Origins, Founding the AAC, ControversiesPaul Mwazha Biography, Age, Late Wife, Early Life, Parentage, Name Origins, Founding the AAC, Controversies

Paul Mwazha Biography & Profile Paul Mwazha is a revered Zimbabwean clergyman and the founder of the African Apostolic Church. Known by his followers as “Mutumwa,” meaning “angelic messenger” in

Willard Slimaz Magombedze Biography| Profile, Age, Education, Career, Achievements, Productions
Rachel J Biography| Profile, Real Name, Age, Prophet Bushiri Controversy, Music Career

Terrence Mukupe Biography| Profile, Education, Business, Politics, Prophet Bushiri Controversy, Fuel Smuggling Conviction, SentenceTerrence Mukupe Biography| Profile, Education, Business, Politics, Prophet Bushiri Controversy, Fuel Smuggling Conviction, Sentence

Terrence Mukupe Biography & Profile: Terrence Mukupe, a Zimbabwean politician and former banker, is noted for his controversial political career, positions in finance, and personal life. He previously served as

Q Dube Siziba Biography & Profile|Age, Career, Controversies, Relocation to SA 
Uebert Angel Junior Biography| Profile, Age, Education, Relationship, Charity
Blessing Muzvongi Mashangwa Biography| Profile, Makandiwa Lawsuit, Divorce, Relationship with Jay Israel, Death

Blessing Muzvongi Mashangwa Biography| Profile, Makandiwa Lawsuit, Divorce, Relationship with Jay Israel, DeathBlessing Muzvongi Mashangwa Biography| Profile, Makandiwa Lawsuit, Divorce, Relationship with Jay Israel, Death

Blessing Muzvongi Mashangwa Biography Blessing Mashangwa, born Blessing Muzvongi, was a Zimbabwean businesswoman and the Operations Director of Oceane Holdings, the largest cosmetics network in Zimbabwe. She played a prominent

Shamiso Fred Biography Profile
Greatman's Wife - Silibaziso Masara Biography| Profile, Age, Career, Controversial DNA Test
Patricia Putsai Biography