Zimbabwe Profiles Local,People Sharon “Maggie” Chidewu Biography | Profile, Age, Education, Career, Awards, Arrest, Family, Children

Sharon “Maggie” Chidewu Biography | Profile, Age, Education, Career, Awards, Arrest, Family, Children

Sharon “Maggie” Chidewu Biography | Profile, Age,  Education, Career, Awards, Arrest, Family, Children post thumbnail image

Sharon Shamiso Chideu, better known by her stage name “Maggie,” is a talented Zimbabwean actress, filmmaker, scriptwriter, journalist, stand-up comedienne, and MC, popularly known for her roles on  Bustop TV.


Age and Date of Birth

Maggie was born on November 15, 1991, in Harare, Zimbabwe, which means that she is turning 32 in  2023.  She is the oldest in a family of five.


Sharon attended Godfrey Huggins Primary School in Marondera from grade 1 to 3, and later, Alfred Beit Primary School in Harare from grade 4 to 7. For her secondary education, she attended Harare Girls High School, where she was actively involved in the English drama club and Allied Arts drama competitions. After completing her A-Levels in 2008 at Trust Academy, she pursued her passion for filmmaking at the Zimbabwe Film And Television School In Southern Africa (Ziftessa) in Harare, where she obtained a Diploma in Directing and Script Writing.


Sharon Chideu’s journey in the film industry started with a role in the ZBC TV drama series called “Shadows.” This marked her first professional job in the Zimbabwean film industry. She also appeared in several short films and other ZBC TV soap operas, including “Sins of the Father.”

Entry into Internet Comedy

Sharon’s entry into internet comedy happened unexpectedly. She connected with former classmates from Ziftessa, Lucky Aaroni, Rolland Lunga, and Admire Kuzhangaira, who had set up a comedy show called “P.O. Box.” She expressed her interest in joining the team and soon became part of the show. Later, the group evolved into “Bustop TV,” where she played the beloved character “Magi.”

Awards and Recognition

In 2016, Sharon “Magi” Chideu received the Zimbabwe International Women’s Awards (ZIWA) People’s Choice Award, showcasing her popularity and impact on the comedy scene. Additionally, she was nominated as an Outstanding Comedian at the NAMA Awards in 2018.

Personal Life and Hobbies

Outside of her comedic pursuits, Sharon loved music and dancing. She also aspired to direct music videos in the future.

2019 Arrest  and Legal Incident

In February 2019, Sharon, along with fellow comedian Gonyeti, faced legal trouble and was arrested for wearing clothes resembling ZRP (Zimbabwe Republic Police) uniforms in a skit from 2016 without proper clearance. The police fined them for this offence


Sharon Chideu is a mother of two, with a son named Reece and another child whose name was not revealed.


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