Zimbabwe Profiles People Chief Shumba Hwenje – ED Pfee Singer Biography | Real Name | Background | Albums | Career as a Musician

Chief Shumba Hwenje – ED Pfee Singer Biography | Real Name | Background | Albums | Career as a Musician

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Chief Shumba Hwenje – ED Pfee Singer Biography | Real Name | Background | Albums | Career as a Musician

Chief Shumba Hwenje, is a Zimbabwean musician who rose to fame with his anthem “ED Pfee.” The track gained widespread recognition as the campaign song for Emmerson Mnangagwa, the Zanu-PF Presidential candidate, during the 2018 elections.


Chief Shumba Hwenje, a native of Mapanzure in Zvishavane, grew up in Shabanie town and holds a significant political affiliation with Zanu-PF as the nephew of Emmerson Mnangagwa, the renowned politician.

Real Name

Chief Shumba Hwenje’s real name is Admire Sanyanga Sibanda.

He earned the name Chief Shumba Hwenje in Shabanie town through his musical prowess and consistent incorporation of his totem in his songs.

Career as a Musician

Chief Shumba Hwenje embarked on his musical journey in 2011, initially as a gospel artist, releasing two albums titled “Munamato” and “Danaishe.” However, in 2014, he transitioned into Afro-traditional music and jit, which he proudly calls ‘Hwenje Music.’

Notably, Chief Shumba Hwenje composed and performed the uplifting anthem “Mabvaru Daira” for the Shabanie Mine Football Club during their memorable campaign in the Super 8 trophy back in 2014.

In November 2020, Chief Shumba Hwenje delighted fans with his latest album release, titled “Polloniaum 210.” This exceptional project featured remarkable collaborations with renowned musicians, including Mechanic Manyeruke, Baba Harare, Nicholas Zakaria, Mathias Mhere, Sulumani Chimbetu, Obert Moyo, Romeo Gasa, and Norman Tapambwa.

“Polloniaum 210” artfully chronicled significant events such as Emmerson Mnangagwa’s miraculous survival of a poisoning attempt, his resilience in the face of the bombing attack at the White City Stadium in Bulawayo, and his relentless efforts in revitalizing Zimbabwe’s economy.

In a surprising turn of events, Chief Shumba Hwenje was passed over by Zanu-PF in favour of Mambo Dhuterere as the preferred candidate leading up to the 2023 elections.

During this time, Chief Shumba Hwenje had already unveiled the album cover art and tracklist for his upcoming release, strategically planned to coincide with the election campaign.

The album, titled “Special Branch,” boasted an impressive lineup of 10 tracks including “ED Chete,” “More Fire,” “Huchi,” “Saka Uchaita Sei,” “State House,” “Shumba Ngavapinde,” “Ndomuvhotera Chete,” “Chakabatwa Kuti Dzvii,” “Mai Wellie,” and “Mpela Mpela.”

Initially positioned as the official Zanu PF campaign album, plans took an unexpected turn when Chief Shumba Hwenje received the news that Mambo Dhuterere had been chosen as the official campaign praise singer instead.


  • Munamato
  • Danaishe
  • Polloniaum 210 (2020)
  • Special Branch (2023)

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