Zimbabwe Profiles Places Hwange National Park: A Wildlife Wonderland in Zimbabwe

Hwange National Park: A Wildlife Wonderland in Zimbabwe

Hwange National Park: A Wildlife Wonderland in Zimbabwe post thumbnail image

If you are looking for an unforgettable safari and wildlife experience in Africa, you should definitely consider visiting the Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe’s largest and most diverse natural reserve. Located in the northwest corner of the country, about an hour south of Victoria Falls, the park covers an area of 14,651 square kilometres and boasts a wide variety of flora and fauna. Here are some of the reasons why you should add Hwange National Park to your bucket list.


The Elephants A Hwange National Park

Hwange National Park Wildlife

Hwange National Park: A Wildlife Wonderland in Zimbabwe [Image: ZTA]


Hwange National Park is home to the largest population of elephants in Zimbabwe and one of the largest in Africa. It is estimated that there are over 40,000 elephants in the park, which migrate seasonally between the park and neighbouring Botswana. The park has several waterholes and pans where you can observe these majestic creatures up close, especially during the dry season when they congregate around the scarce water sources. You can also witness the unique behaviour of the elephants in Hwange, such as digging for underground water with their trunks and tusks.

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The Wild Dogs

Another rare and endangered species that you can find in Hwange National Park is the African wild dog, also known as the painted dog. The park has one of the largest and most stable populations of wild dogs in Africa, with about 150 individuals in 10 packs. These social and intelligent animals are fascinating to watch as they hunt cooperatively and communicate with each other through vocalisations and body language. You can also learn more about the conservation efforts to protect these animals at the Painted Dog Conservation Centre, located near the park’s entrance.


The Big Cats At Hwange National Park

Hwange National Park Wildlife

Hwange National Park: A Wildlife Wonderland in Zimbabwe [Image: Sun Safaris]


If you are a fan of big cats, you will not be disappointed by Hwange National Park. The park has a healthy population of lions, leopards, and cheetahs, which prey on the abundant herbivores in the park, such as zebras, wildebeests, impalas, and buffaloes. You can spot these elusive predators in the early morning or late afternoon when they are most active and likely to hunt. You can also join a guided walking safari or a night drive to increase your chances of seeing them.

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The Birdlife

Hwange National Park is a paradise for birdwatchers, as it hosts nearly 400 bird species, including some rare and endemic ones. The park’s diverse habitats, ranging from savanna grasslands and woodlands to wetlands and salt pans, attract a variety of birds, such as eagles, vultures, storks, cranes, hornbills, kingfishers, and many more. Some of the special birds that you can look out for in Hwange are the Kori bustard, the largest flying bird in Africa, the Southern carmine bee-eater, a colourful migratory bird that nests in colonies along the riverbanks, and the Bradfield’s hornbill, a local endemic that is only found in northwestern Zimbabwe.


Exquisite Accommodation At The Hwange National Park

Hwange National Park Wildlife

Hwange National Park: A Wildlife Wonderland in Zimbabwe [Image: Gary Williams/Our World For You]


Hwange National Park offers a range of accommodation options to suit every budget and preference. You can choose from camping sites, self-catering lodges, or luxury safari camps, all of which are located within or near the park. Some of the popular places to stay in Hwange are Main Camp, the oldest and largest camp in the park, which has a restaurant, a bar, a shop, and a museum, Ngwehla Camp, a rustic and secluded camp near a productive waterhole, and Robins Camp, a renovated and modernized camp that offers game drives, walking safaris, and fishing. You can also opt for some of the private concessions in the park, such as Linkwasha, Somalisa, and Davison’s, which offer exclusive access to some of the best wildlife areas and high-end facilities and services.



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