Zimbabwe Profiles Local,People Johannes Tomana Biography | Profile, Age, Career, Ambassador, Poisoning, Death

Johannes Tomana Biography | Profile, Age, Career, Ambassador, Poisoning, Death

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Johannes Tomana was the former Attorney-General and Zimbabwe’s Ambassador to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Early life

Johannes Tomana was born on September 9, 1967. Unfortunately, further details about his early life are not available.


Johannes died at the age of 55.

Legal Career

Tomana had a notable career in the legal field, serving as a prominent attorney in Zimbabwe.

Appointment as Attorney-General

On December 18, 2008, Tomana was appointed as the Attorney-General of Zimbabwe by President Robert Mugabe. He previously served as the deputy Attorney-General under Sobusa Gula-Ndebele from 2006 to May 2008. Tomana’s appointment came after the roles of prosecuting and government advisory positions were split under the new Constitution that came into effect in 2013.

Controversies and Dismissal

During his tenure, Tomana faced controversial moments that affected his position. In 2010, he was placed on the United States sanctions list. In 2013, he made headlines when he suggested that 12-year-old children could consent to sex, which led to a public rebuke from then-first lady Grace Mugabe.

Tomana’s time as Prosecutor-General came to an end in June 2017 when he was dismissed from his position. The exact reasons for his dismissal are not specified in the available information. A tribunal established by former President Robert Mugabe had recommended his dismissal, alleging misconduct and incompetence, including defying court orders.

Engagement with Anti-Corruption Commission

Prior to his appointment as Attorney-General, Tomana was a member of Zimbabwe’s Anti-Corruption Commission from 2005, actively contributing to the fight against corruption in the country.

Appointment as Ambassador

In 2020, President Emmerson Mnangagwa appointed Tomana as Zimbabwe’s ambassador to the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Poisoning and Death

After his dismissal as Prosecutor-General, Tomana faced challenges when attempting to return to private practice as a lawyer. His application to the Law Society of Zimbabwe initially faced rejection due to not passing the “fit and proper” person test.

Tragically, Johannes Tomana passed away on August 6, 2023. He died while visiting his rural home in Honde Valley, Manicaland, reportedly falling victim to suspected food poisoning. The circumstances of his death raised concerns, and the family requested a police investigation. Tomana’s death marked the end of a career that witnessed both accomplishments and controversies.

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