Zimbabwe Profiles Local Madzibaba Lawrence Katsiru Profile and Biography, Connection With Wicknel Chivayo

Madzibaba Lawrence Katsiru Profile and Biography, Connection With Wicknel Chivayo

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Madzibaba Lawrence Katsiru Profile and Biography, Connection With Wicknel Chivayo

Madzibaba Lawrence Lavious Katsiru, born in 1953, stands as a significant religious and political figure in Zimbabwe. His life encapsulates a blend of profound spiritual leadership within the Johane Masowe weChishanu Apostolic Church and an active role in the nation’s political discourse as a former ZANU-PF legislator. Katsiru’s narrative is interwoven with moments of acclaim and controversy, reflecting the complexities of his public and private life.

Background and Rise to Prominence

Born in Katsiru Village, Guruve, Lawrence Katsiru was destined for a life steeped in spiritual practice, emerging from a lineage deeply rooted in the Johane Masowe Apostolic Church. His early recognition for prophetic gifts, particularly noted in the late 1980s at the Rushanga Shrine, marked the beginning of his journey as a spiritual guide.

“In the late 1990s, a goatee-bearded and bespectacled prophet took the small farming town of Marondera by storm with his booming voice and precise prophecies,” capturing the essence of Katsiru’s early influence. Renowned for his ability to uncover stolen property and deliver prophecies with uncanny accuracy, he drew followers from as far as Egypt, Zambia, South Africa, Mozambique, and Malawi.


Lawrence Katsiru Biography and Profile

Lawrence Katsiru Biography and Profile-Picture Credit Herald.co.zw

Political Involvement

Ascending to political prominence, Katsiru’s election as ZANU-PF deputy political commissar for Mashonaland East in May 2001 and later as a legislator, underscored his multifaceted role in shaping both spiritual and political landscapes.

Controversial Ethnic Remarks

Katsiru’s tenure was not without its controversies, most notably his comments in 2017 regarding ethnic tensions between Ndebele and Shona peoples. He suggested that Ndebele people should compensate Shonas “for abducting and forcing into marriage young girls and raiding cattle from the same,” igniting widespread criticism for potentially exacerbating historical ethnic grievances.

Close Association with Wicknell Chivayo

Katsiru’s relationship with businessman Wicknell Chivayo has been a focal point of public interest, notably highlighted by Chivayo’s generous gifting of two vehicles in April 2023—a Toyota Hilux and a Toyota Fortuner VX. This gesture, coupled with their documented camaraderie, including shared meals and public appearances, underscores Katsiru’s status as the chief religious figure in Chivayo’s circle. “From the bottom of my heart I say Congratulations to you MR LAWRENCE LAVIOUS KATSIRU and MRS VIOLET KATSIRU,” Chivayo remarked, celebrating their bond and Katsiru’s spiritual guidance.

Legal Challenges

The gravest controversy came in December 2003, with Katsiru’s arrest over allegations of raping a 13-year-old girl from his church. Following his conviction, he spent nearly two years in prison, maintaining his innocence throughout. Upon his release in 2007, Katsiru expressed forgiveness towards the girl and her family, insisting on his wrongful accusation.


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