Zimbabwe Profiles People Tindo Ngwazi Biography | Children, Family Background. Road Accident, Solo Music Career, Albums, Radio Zimbabwe 2023 Song of the Year, Music Style and Mark Ngwazi Comparisons

Tindo Ngwazi Biography | Children, Family Background. Road Accident, Solo Music Career, Albums, Radio Zimbabwe 2023 Song of the Year, Music Style and Mark Ngwazi Comparisons

Tindo Ngwazi Biography | Children, Family Background. Road Accident, Solo Music Career, Albums, Radio Zimbabwe 2023 Song of the Year, Music Style and Mark Ngwazi Comparisons post thumbnail image

Tindo Ngwazi Biography | Children, Family Background. Road Accident, Solo Music Career, Albums, Radio Zimbabwe 2023 Song of the Year, Music Style and Mark Ngwazi Comparisons

This is the biography of Tendai ‘Tindo’ Ngwazi, a Zimbabwean Sungura musician. His song “Huruyadzo” was voted the 2023 Song of the Year by listeners on Radio Zimbabwe.

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Family Background

Tindo was born into a family of seven, consisting of three girls and four boys. His father, Boas Ngwazi, and mother, Rudo Kashiri, raised him in Njanja, Chivhu. Notably, his older brother, Mark Ngwazi, is also a talented musician.

Road Accident

In December 2021, Tendo Ngwazi and his 11 band members emerged unharmed after their vehicle was struck on the driver’s side by another car. The incident took place as they were returning from a performance at a birthday party in Mufakose.

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Tindo Ngwazi embarked on his music journey in 2015, collaborating with Mark on their debut album “Zvandigumbura,” inspired by their experiences in the 2013 Chibuku Road to Fame competition.

Solo Career

After parting ways with Mark following the release of “Charger YeTsono” in 2018, Tindo established The Adequate Sounds. In 2019, he launched his solo career with the release of “Hapana Hapana,” and by July 2022, he had released a total of four albums. Notable among them is his second album, “Tamirira Judgement,” which featured the popular track “Mombe Dzemukaka.” His third album, “Vasundaidzi Vengarava,” was released in 2021 and included tracks such as “Chihera,” “Tandarai Makapfeka,” and “Hamuna Nhamo.”

In July 2022, Tindo Ngwazi unveiled his six-track album titled “Bhedhegubhe.” The album preceded the release of albums by Alick Macheso and Mark Ngwazi. It featured songs such as “My Love” (featuring Mark Ngwazi), “Eria na Erisha,” “Bhedheghubhe,” “Ndavanzwa Vachibheja,” “Wakaita Nharo,” and “Wagara Wakazvironga.”

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Musical Style and Mark Ngwazi Comparison

Addressing the similarity between his music and that of his brother Mark, Tindo acknowledged their nearly identical voices and instruments. This resemblance has occasionally caused confusion among listeners.


Joint Albums with Mark Ngwazi

  • Zvandigumbura (2015)
  • Charger YeTsono (2018)

Solo Albums

  • Hapana Hapana (2019)
  • Tamirira Judgement (2020)
  • Vasundaidzi Vengarava (2021)
  • Bhedhegubhe (2022)
  • Charwadza (2023)

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2023 Song of the Year

Tindo Ngwazi pocketed a cash prize of US$2000 for his song “Huruyadzo,” which was voted by listeners as the 2023 Song of the Year on Radio Zimbabwe.


Tindo Ngwazi is a father to a son named Nenyasha, who has also shared the stage with him during musical performances.


  1. NEW: Tindo Ngwazi plots to exit Mark Ngwazi’s shadow
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