Zimbabwe Profiles Local,People Sekuru Mlauzi Biography & Profile: Real Name, Age, Passion Java Controversy, Instant Cash, Magic Wallet

Sekuru Mlauzi Biography & Profile: Real Name, Age, Passion Java Controversy, Instant Cash, Magic Wallet

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Sekuru Mlauzi Biography & Profile


Sekuru Mlauzi is a traditional healer, spiritualist and sangoma from Zimbabwe who gained attention for his public feud with self-proclaimed prophet Passion Java.  Sekuru Mlauzi claims to have provided Java with money-making rituals as well as given him spiritual powers that contributed to his successful ministry.

Early Life and Background

Sekuru Mlauzi, whose real name is Tatenda Muchabaiwa, was born in Malawi in 1987. The name “Sekuru Mlauzi” refers to the ancestral spirits that have a significant influence on his life and work.

When he was still young, his parents decided to emigrate from Malawi and settled in the Chirumhanzi Area of Zimbabwe. It was in the Mapiravana village, located in the Chaka district of Chirumhanzi, where Sekuru Mlauzi spent his early years.


Sekuru Mlauzi attended Chaka Primary School, where he completed his Grade Seven education. It was during his time in Grade Seven that the traditional claims the ancestral spirits began to possess him. According to his own accounts, he started practising traditional healing at a very young age.

Later, his family relocated to Tinde Village in Binga, Zimbabwe, near a prominent Muhacha tree. This tree holds significance in both African Traditional Religion and Apostolic Sects. As for his education, the famous sangoma revealed that his ancestral spirits did not permit him to pursue further formal education beyond Form Two.

Whenever he attempted to attend school during his Form Two years, he would reportedly collapse and need to be carried back home. Thus, his formal education came to an end in 2007.

Traditional Healing Practice – Services Offered

Sekuru Mlauzi is renowned for his work as a traditional healer. He claims to assist people in various matters and ailments, excluding HIV-related issues. His services include helping individuals recover stolen property, reuniting lost lovers, and providing financial assistance through practices such as instant money, magic wallets, and money rituals known as “kuromba” in Shona.

Magic Wallet

One of the services offered by Sekuru Mlauzi is the use of a “Magic Wallet.” Clients seeking prosperity are instructed to purchase a new wallet, which is then taken to his shrine. He performs rituals on the wallet, and afterwards, the owner can request money by uttering specific incantations. According to the sangoma a certain amount of money will be found in the wallet. However, he emphasizes that the magic wallet comes with certain conditions, known as “Mhiko” in the local vernacular, that must be strictly adhered to.

Instant Money

Sekuru Mlauzi also conducts “Instant Money” rituals. Unlike some other forms of wealth rituals, instant money rituals do not require the sacrifice of human blood but instead involve the use of sheep’s blood. He claims that clients only need to pay him after they have received the desired results, typically 10 percent of the money they obtained. He states that people can expect to receive the instant money within a timeframe of 4-5 hours.

Kuromba Money Ritual

Additionally, Sekuru Mlauzi practices “Kuromba,” a form of money ritual that involves the sacrifice of human blood. While he does not provide explicit details about the process, he clarifies that Kuromba offers a more permanent solution compared to instant money rituals. It is worth noting that all of these rituals come with strict conditions that clients must adhere to.

Sekuru Mlauzi Biography & Profile: Real Name, Age, Passion Java Controversy, Instant Cash, Magic Wallet

Sekuru Mlauzi [Image Credit: Supplied]

Relationship with Passion Java and Controversy

Sekuru Mlauzi’s biography gained public attention due to his involvement with Prophet Passion Java, formerly known as Panganai Java. In 2011, Sekuru Mlauzi first encountered Panganai Java, who visited his shrine in Binga along with his younger brother, Simbarashe Java. The Java brothers sought rituals to improve their financial situations and attain wealth.

During their meeting, Sekuru Mlauzi discussed various money rituals and their implications with Panganai Java. Allegedly, Panganai Java declined the Instant Money ritual after learning that the money acquired through the ritual would eventually deplete. Instead, he opted for the Kuromba ritual. However, he refused to perform blood sacrifices on his family members and decided to offer himself as the sacrifice.

According to Sekuru Mlauzi, the Kuromba ritual involved throwing corn kernels at a rooster, with the number of kernels consumed by the rooster supposedly corresponding to the number of years the individual would live with their acquired wealth. The exact number of kernels consumed by the rooster was not disclosed by Sekuru Mlauzi.

Simbarashe Java, witnessing the ritual, became terrified and chose not to participate. Panganai Java reportedly returned in 2012, claiming that his financial situation had improved dramatically. Fearing suspicion regarding his newfound wealth, Panganai Java expressed a desire for fame and decided to venture into the field of music sponsorship and preaching.

Sekuru Mlauzi suggested that Panganai Java establish a business to explain his wealth and gain recognition. However, Panganai Java declined, expressing concerns about the potential failure of businesses due to his limited education. Instead, he aimed to sponsor young musicians and establish his ministry, with a particular interest in developing the power of prophecy.

According to Sekuru Mlauzi, he granted Panganai Java the power of prophecy but did not grant him the ability to make people fall to the ground during his preaching. After their initial meeting, Panganai Java did not return to his shrine or contact him again.

The relationship between Sekuru Mlauzi and Prophet Passion Java eventually soured. Simbarashe Java, Panganai Java’s younger brother, later sought help from Sekuru Mlauzi, claiming to be struggling in life. However, Panganai Java refused to assist Simbarashe, allegedly due to his refusal to partake in the rituals. This caused a falling out between the Binga-based sangoma and Prophet Passion Java.

In an attempt to expose Prophet Passion Java, Sekuru Mlauzi uploaded a video detailing their interactions, but later claimed to have a change of heart and deleted the video. However, the video had already been downloaded and spread virally. The controversy surrounding their relationship escalated further as Prophet Passion Java was accused of ridiculing Sekuru Mlauzi and his abilities.

Sekuru Mlauzi warned that he possessed the power to take back the “gifts” he had given to Prophet Passion Java. He urged people to observe the trajectory of Prophet Passion Java’s life, from his initial encounter with Mlauzi to his present state and future prospects. He suggested that the only way for Prophet Passion Java to halt his supposed downfall would be to seek forgiveness from his brother, Simbarashe.

The public fallout between Sekuru Mlauzi and Prophet Passion Java exposed their previous WhatsApp conversations, showcasing Java’s alleged deceitful behavior. Despite Prophet Passion Java’s attempts to apologize and reconcile, Mlauzi remained dissatisfied and continued issuing threats, leading to further tension between the two spiritual figures.

The rising tensions and dire consequences of their conflict became apparent in subsequent chats, as both individuals demonstrated their frustration and unwillingness to back down. The heated exchange underscored the deepening divide between Sekuru Mlauzi and Prophet Passion Java.


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