Zimbabwe Profiles Guides,Local ZIMSEC Advanced A Level Results 2023 Statistics: Pass Rate, Boys Vs Girls, Special Needs Candidates

ZIMSEC Advanced A Level Results 2023 Statistics: Pass Rate, Boys Vs Girls, Special Needs Candidates

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ZIMSEC Advanced A Level Results 2023 Statistics

The Zimbabwe School Examinations Council (ZIMSEC) recently released the highly anticipated Advanced Level results for November 2023, marking a significant chapter in the academic journey of thousands of Zimbabwean students. This article aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the statistics surrounding these results, offering insights into pass rates, gender-based performance variations, the number of candidates, and the noteworthy achievements of students with special needs.

Pass Rate Surge

One of the standout features of the November 2023 A level results is the commendable surge in the overall pass rate. The pass rate escalated to an impressive 94.60%, showcasing a substantial improvement from the 88% recorded in the previous year’s November exams.

Total Candidates Overview

In the examination session held in November 2023, a total of 34,437 candidates participated, marginally fewer than the 36,945 candidates in November 2022. Delving deeper, 34,060 candidates wrote two or more subjects, revealing a commitment to a comprehensive academic evaluation.

School Candidates Performance

Breaking down the figures, the November 2023 results included 29,910 school candidates, indicating a slight decrease from the 31,088 candidates in November 2022. Out of these, 29,745 wrote two or more subjects, reflecting the diverse academic pursuits among the school candidates.

Private Candidates Engagement

November 2023 witnessed 4,527 private candidates, a decrease from the 5,857 recorded in November 2022. Within this cohort, 4,315 candidates undertook two or more subjects, showcasing a commitment to academic excellence among private candidates.

Gender Disparities in Performance

A closer examination of the results reveals intriguing trends concerning the performance of male and female candidates.

Female Candidates Triumph

In November 2023, 15,141 female candidates participated in two or more subjects, achieving an impressive pass rate of 96.38%. This marks a significant increase from the 92.32% pass rate recorded in November 2022, underscoring the dedication and academic prowess of female candidates.

Male Candidates Progress

Among the male candidates, 14,603 took part in the examinations, with 93.95% passing two or more subjects. This represents a commendable improvement from the 87.28% pass rate recorded in 2022. Despite the improvement, female candidates continued to outperform their male counterparts.

Special Needs Candidates Achievement

An encouraging aspect of the November 2023 results was the positive performance observed among candidates with special needs.

Inclusive Participation

A total of 34 candidates with special needs participated in the A level exams in November 2023, reflecting a notable increase from the 30 candidates in 2022. These candidates fell into categories such as enlarged print, braille, hearing impairment, and physical impairment.

Pass Rate Improvement for Special Needs Candidates

Among candidates with special needs, an impressive 87.87% achieved a Grade E or better in two or more subjects in 2023, showcasing a significant improvement from the 84.62% recorded in 2022. This highlights the effectiveness of inclusive education practices and the dedication of both candidates and educators.

Emphasis on Continuous Assessment Learning Activities (CALAs)

ZIMSEC reiterated the critical role of Continuous Assessment Learning Activities (CALAs) in the assessment process. Candidates who did not submit their CALAs were considered to have not completed their assessment, and as a result, they did not receive their results. This policy position, communicated extensively by the parent Ministry and ZIMSEC, underscores the integral role of continuous assessment in the academic journey.

The release of the ZIMSEC Advanced A Level Results for November 2023 signifies a positive trend in academic performance, with marked improvements in pass rates and the inclusion of candidates with special needs. The detailed analysis provides valuable insights for Zimbabwean students, parents, and guardians, offering a nuanced understanding of the education system dynamics.

Question for Reflection: How can stakeholders collaborate to further enhance the inclusivity and overall success of candidates in future examinations?


  1. Zimsec A-Level pass rate hits 95pc – The Herald Published on 13 January 2024, Ivan Zhakata and Gloria Muruva
  2. A Tale of Two Realities: 2023 ZIMSEC A Level Results Out – iHarare, Published on 12 January 2024, Siyabonga Mpini
  3. ZIMSEC 2023 A-level results released – New Zimbabwe, Published on 12th January 2024, Staff Reporter

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