Zimbabwe Profiles Local,People Belinda Murawo Biography| Business Ventures, Rich Cousins, Murder Incident, Afro 161A Bar and Restaurant, KwaBelinda

Belinda Murawo Biography| Business Ventures, Rich Cousins, Murder Incident, Afro 161A Bar and Restaurant, KwaBelinda

Belinda Murawo Biography| Business Ventures, Rich Cousins, Murder Incident, Afro 161A Bar and Restaurant, KwaBelinda post thumbnail image

Belinda Murawo Biography| Business Ventures, Rich Cousins, Murder Incident, Afro 161A Bar and Restaurant, KwaBelinda

Belinda Murawo is a noted Zimbabwean businesswoman and socialite with business interests across diverse industries, such as mining, fuel, travel and tours, and fashion. Murwa is part of an elite social and business circle referred to as the “Rich Cousins,” known for their significant influence and affluence. This group includes other prominent figures like Zodwa Mkandla, Michelle Kawome, Gina Duri, Lisa Maropafadzo, Danya Kabwebwe, Nobunkosi Ndlovu, Martha Mudzvova, Thandie Makuyana, and Marvelous Gumise.

Notably, Murawo is also the proprietor of the Afro 161 Bar and Restaurant, colloquially known as KwaBelinda.

Early Career and Business Ventures

Specific details of Murawo’s early life and career path leading to her current status are not publicly available. However, she has evidently established herself as a successful entrepreneur with a diverse portfolio of businesses.

Rich Cousins

The “Rich Cousins” is a collective of businesswomen and socialites who are active in various sectors such as mining, fuel, travel and tours, and fashion. They often come together for significant events and causes. One such was the celebration of Zodwa Mkandla’s 50th birthday, a fellow member of the group, at Cape Town’s One & Only hotel. During this mega party, the group pledged to build a girls-only school under the banner of Zodwa’s Foundation 50 for 50.


In line with their commitment to socio-economic upliftment, the “rich cousins” have pledged to use their wealth and influence to impact their communities positively. An example of this is Danya Kabwebwe’s pledge at Zodwa Mkandla’s birthday event to pay for 30 pupils’ school fees.

Afro 161 Bar and Restaurant

Murawo owns the Afro 161 Bar and Restaurant, a popular establishment better known as KwaBelinda. While the bar and restaurant has likely contributed to Murawo’s success and reputation as a businesswoman, it has also been the scene of a significant incident.

Murder Incident at KwaBelinda

In a tragic incident at Afro 161, also known as KwaBelinda, a patron named David Matambo was fatally assaulted. The suspect, Calisto Murawo, who is the brother of Belinda Murawo, was accused of this crime. Calisto reportedly confronted David and his wife in the bar’s car park, resulting in a violent altercation that led to David’s death. Calisto Murawo was arrested and is currently facing murder charges in court.

Following the incident, Calisto Murawo was arrested and faced a court hearing for a murder charge. His bail application has been postponed, and he remains in remand prison. The case continues to attract significant attention, affecting the public perception of Afro 161 and its proprietor, Belinda Murawo


Belinda Murawo’s profile encompasses a vast array of business interests and social connections that position her among the elite in her community. However, her reputation has been recently overshadowed by the unfortunate incident involving her brother at her establishment, Afro 161. Despite this, her contributions to industry and philanthropic causes stand as a testament to her influence and commitment to community upliftment.

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