Zimbabwe Profiles People Dr Gwinyai H. Muzorewa Biography of Zimbabwean Presidential Candidate | Background | Career | Books

Dr Gwinyai H. Muzorewa Biography of Zimbabwean Presidential Candidate | Background | Career | Books

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Dr Gwinyai H. Muzorewa Biography of Zimbabwean Presidential Candidate | Background | Career | Books

Dr Gwinyai H. Muzorewa is a Zimbabwean academic, author and politician. In 2023, he contested in the Presidential elections as a candidate of The United African National Council (UANC).


He is the young brother of Bishop Abel Muzorewa.


Gwinyai H. Muzorewa obtained a Master of Divinity from Garrett-Evangelical Seminary as well as a Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy from the Union Theological Seminary, N.Y.

Career as an Academic

He served both as a theology professor and parish pastor concurrently. Beginning at Epworth Theological College in Zimbabwe, he gave leadership to several institutions of higher learning. Muzorewa is the chair of the Department of History, Political Science, Pan-African Studies, Philosophy and Religion at Lincoln University, United States.

As the chairperson of Lincoln University’s Department of History, Political Science, Pan-African Studies, Philosophy and Religion, Rev. Dr Muzorewa supervises 15 professors in the department and performs many administrative duties while also teaching one class per semester.


Gwinyai H. Muzorewa has authored, among other books,

  • The Origins and Development of African Theology
  • An African Theology of Mission
  • He is the editor of Know Thyself: Ideologies of Black Liberation
  • The Great Being: Creator, Yahweh, Chuku, Allah, God, Brahman: An Introduction to the World’s Major Religions
  • A College Introduction to Religion
  • African Origins of Monotheism: Challenging the Eurocentric Interpretation of God Concepts on the Continent and in Diaspora


He generously donates a portion of his salary to Lincoln University’s scholarship fund, which supports first-generation college students from disadvantaged neighbourhoods in New York, Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia.

In addition to his contributions to the university, he has also provided financial aid to students in need of education in Africa. Notably, Rev. Dr Muzorewa has devoted considerable time and energy to assisting orphans and widows affected by the Zimbabwe War of Liberation.

His dedication to their cause has inspired him to announce his candidacy for the presidency of Zimbabwe in the 2023 elections.

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