Zimbabwe Profiles Local Susan Mutami Biography: Profile, Age, Affair With SB Moyo, Affair With Temba Mliswa, Paternity DNA Dispute, Abuse Allegations Against Govt Officials

Susan Mutami Biography: Profile, Age, Affair With SB Moyo, Affair With Temba Mliswa, Paternity DNA Dispute, Abuse Allegations Against Govt Officials

Susan Mutami Biography: Profile, Age, Affair With SB Moyo, Affair With Temba Mliswa, Paternity DNA Dispute, Abuse Allegations Against Govt Officials post thumbnail image

Susan Mutami Biography:

Susan Vivian Mutami is a Zimbabwean-born socialite, media personality, philanthropist and healthcare professional known for her controversial relationships and sensational allegations against high-profile individuals in Zimbabwean politics.

Age  & Date of Birth

Susan Mutami was born in 1988 in Zimbabwe, meaning she is 35 years old as of 2023.

Early Life and Education

Information about her educational background is not widely available.

Controversial Allegations

Susan Mutami has made explosive claims and been involved in controversies related to her personal life:

Alleged Affair with SB Moyo

She alleged that she had a 12-year affair with the late Zimbabwean Foreign Affairs Minister, Sibusiso Busi (SB) Moyo, which she claimed resulted in the birth of a child. Mutami also stated that former President Robert Mugabe was aware of their relationship.

Alleged Abuse by Officials in President Mnangagwa’s government

Mutami made shocking allegations of sexual abuse, asserting that she was abused by President Emmerson Mnangagwa when she was just 15 years old. These allegations stirred significant public debate and attention.  She also accused numerous officials in President Mnangagwa’s government of also abusing her.

Susan Mutami’s Tumultuous Relationships

Susan Mutami has been involved in turbulent relationships that have attracted media scrutiny:

Relationship with Temba Mliswa

Mutami had a tumultuous relationship with independent legislator Temba Mliswa, resulting in the birth of twins. During their public feud, Mutami made various accusations against Mliswa, including claims of unconventional sexual activities and allegations of him being an unfit father.  Mliswa denied paternity and insisted that the pair should conduct DNA tests to establish the true paternity of the children. However, there was controversy later when Susan Mutami failed to explain what had happened to one of the twins.

Child Paternity Dispute

She became embroiled in a child paternity dispute with Temba Mliswa over the parentage of their twins. Mliswa demanded DNA paternity tests to determine the children’s biological father. This dispute received extensive media coverage and public attention.

Political Ambitions

In May 2021, Susan announced her intention to contest the Norton Parliamentary seat in the 2023 general elections, challenging her former partner, Temba Mliswa. Her decision to enter politics further fueled media interest in her actions and statements.  However, she did not contest in the 2023 harmonised elections.  Ironically, Mliswa lost his seat to Richard Tsvangirai of the opposition Citizens’s Coalition for Change (CCC) party.


Susan Mutami has engaged in philanthropic activities, including donating hospital equipment to Mnene Hospital in Mberengwa. These actions were acknowledged by Australian Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Bronte Moules, who was present at the handover ceremony.


  1. Zimbabwean Philanthropist Susan Mutami
  2. SB Moyo Told Me To Run, Susan Mutami Claims She Had A Son With Late Retired General
  3. Temba Mliswa reacts to Susan Mutami’s domestic abuse allegations
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