Zimbabwe Profiles Education,Guides,Tsumo Tsumo dzeChiShona Dzinotanga naP

Tsumo dzeChiShona Dzinotanga naP

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Tsumo dzeChishona, in the Shona language, specifically denotes proverbs or sayings that encapsulate the wisdom, cultural values, and traditional knowledge of the Shona people in Zimbabwe. These proverbs often convey deeper meanings, moral lessons, and reflections on life. Tsumo are an integral part of Shona communication, used to teach, guide, and share insights within the community. They play a crucial role in preserving and passing down the cultural heritage of the Shona people from generation to generation.


Tsumo dzeChiShona Dzinotanga naP

image credit: The Guardian

Also Read: Tsumo dzeChiShona Dzinotanga naP

Here is list of Tsumo dzeChiShona which start with the letter P


1.Pabva zino rave vende
2.Pachapwa madziva miramba tichanyurura

3.Pafa munhu hapashaikwi muroyi
4. Pagara murimi pagara mupopoti
5. Pakukutu hapaurayi
6. Pane danga pane mombe pane hundi pagara hurudza
7. Pane machikichori miromo inovanda
8. Panobikwa mutakura panosara nyire
9. Panoda mwoyo nzira haisviki
10. Panodya ishe varanda vanodyawo
11. Panomera muswe panonyeredza
12. Pasina nyimo makunguo aizodyei
13. Pfimbi yegudo, gare-gare yapfukunurwa
14. Pfini yenyoka kuruma chaisingadyi
15. Pfuma yenhaka inoparadza ukama
16. Pfupa jena rakabva munyama
17. Potsi haarwirwi anorwirwa ndiPiri

Tsumo dzeChiShona Dzinotanga naP

image credit: Ranger Rick

Also Read: Tsumo dzeChiShona Dzinotanga na H, I, J

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