Zimbabwe Profiles People Sniper Storm Biography | Real Name, Age, Education, Albums, Beef with Winky D, Controversies, Begging Wicknell Chivayo for a Car

Sniper Storm Biography | Real Name, Age, Education, Albums, Beef with Winky D, Controversies, Begging Wicknell Chivayo for a Car

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Sniper Storm Biography | Real Name, Age, Education, Albums, Beef with Winky D, Controversies, Begging Wicknell Chivayo for a Car

This is the biography of Sniper Storm a popular Zimdancehall artist known for his hit songs such as “Kwarira Mukati,” “Luv Yemsoja,” and “Hapana Hapana.” He has been active in the music industry since 1999 and is considered one of the pioneers of the Zimdancehall genre.

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Real Name

Sniper Storm’s real name is Donald Chirisa.


Sniper Storm was born in Waterfalls, Harare. His parents divorced when he was young, and he was raised by his grandmother.


Sniper Storm was born on July 7, 1979.


Donald Chirisa has four children, one of whom is Ribbon Matipaishe with Chipo Muchegwa.

Child Neglect Allegations

In December 2021, Sniper Storm was accused of neglecting his child with Chipo Muchegwa. Reports suggested that he had not been providing financial support for the child. Sniper Storm acknowledged the issue but stated that it was a personal matter. He expressed his commitment to supporting his child and mentioned that he had encouraged Muchegwa to communicate with him directly. Muchegwa did not confirm or deny the allegations.

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Sniper Storm attended Seke 4 High School in Chitungwiza.

Early Life

Sniper Storm began his musical career during his high school days at Seke 4 High in Chitungwiza.

Full-Time Music Career

In 1999, Sniper Storm started to focus on his music career. He participated in emceeing battles and similar platforms, gaining recognition for his performances. His first single was recorded by Delani Makhalima at Shamiso Entertainment Studios. He went on to record more songs and joined Galaxy Records in 2002. Sniper Storm gained popularity with his humorous song “Gede” and released his debut album, “Ndakabata Mic,” in 2009.

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Legal Cases

In September 2018, Sniper Storm took his pregnant girlfriend, Paidamoyo Mpompoma, to court, accusing her of stealing his whisky collection from his home while he was away for musical shows. Mpompoma faced theft and malicious damage to property charges but denied the allegations. She claimed that Chirisa wanted to drive her away from his house. The trial was postponed, and Mpompoma was released on bail.


  • “Scenario” (2022)
  • “Shoot” (2016)
  • “Silver Bullet” (2014)
  • “Musoja”
  • “Love Yemusoja” (2013)
  • “Ndakabata Mic” (2009)
  • “Doen Feng”


In 2009, Sniper Storm and Winky D performed at the Zimfest music festival in the United Kingdom. They faced controversy after allegedly singing a song that appeared to attack white people. They were immediately taken off stage and subsequently banned from performing at the festival again.

Beef with Winky D

In 2010, during the Mavado show at the Harare International Conference Centre, Sniper Storm went on stage and took the microphone from Winky D. This happened after Winky D allegedly performed beyond his allocated time. Although they apologised to each other, there was still a rift between them, evident when they performed at the same events. The divide between their fans led to Sniper Storm’s followers being called “Masoja” and Winky D’s followers being called “Maninja.”

Death Hoax

In July 2016, rumours circulated on social media claiming that Sniper Storm had died in a car accident. His manager, Chido Musasiwa-Gutu, dismissed the rumours and assured fans that Sniper Storm was alive and well.

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Begging Wicknell Chivayo for a Car

Zimdancehall artist Sniper Storm stirred up social media when he made a plea to businessman Wicknell Chivayo for a car.

On his Instagram account, Sniper Storm shared a photo of himself and tagged Wicknell Chivayo in his post. In the caption, Sniper Storm began by commending Wicknell Chivayo for his generous car gifts to musicians, bloggers, Zanu-PF supporters, and selected members of his church.

While acknowledging that Wicknell had previously stated that he would no longer be giving away cars, Sniper Storm earnestly implored him to remember him and consider granting him a car when he resumes his car giveaways.

Furthermore, Sniper Storm revealed his strong support for the ruling party, Zanu-PF, and emphasized that he has actively backed the party for numerous years, attending rallies and national galas.

Confident in his unwavering dedication to the ruling party, Sniper Storm expressed his belief that those within the party could attest to his loyalty.


  1. Zimbabweans Stunned as Zimdancehall Musician Sniper Storm Begs Wicknell Chivayo for a Car

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